
Fruits and Vegetables

Week 2 is all about fruits and vegetables and this information coordinates with this weeks recipe, which is a stir fry! Stir fries are a great way to get a lot of vegetables into one dish. Check out the recipe HERE!

When it's time to eat the USDA recommends filling half of your plate up with fruits and vegetables before you fill your plate with other foods. The more fruits and vegetables the better! The reason why is because fruits and vegetables have no cholesterol in them and they are naturally low in calories, sodium, and fat. Some vegetables are also high in fiber which is great for digestion. Not to mention they are all full of many vitamins and minerals that benefit your health in many different ways. If you are still counting servings and hoping to get a specific number of fruits and veggies in your diet don't be overwhelmed. Every food is different so you will need different amounts to count as a serving. For an example half of one regular banana is considered a serving, so if you eat the whole banana you just had two servings of fruit. If you have diabetes it's always a good idea to pay attention to the sugar content in fruits since some have high levels of sugar.

It can be hard living in a northern part of the country to get good quality fruits and vegetables during the winter when they are out of season. A way around this can be to buy them frozen. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be just as good for you as fresh, however if you have the choice fresh is best. You can also buy canned to help save some money. A good thing to remember is always wash off your canned vegetables before eating them. Most food processors add sodium to canned foods because it helps increase their shelf life. By washing them off you are reducing the sodium content.

Another way to help save money is to buy fruits and vegetables that are in season for your location. There is a nifty tool on the right side of this blog towards the top that allows you to pick your location and the time of year, and then it will tell you what foods are in season for you!

How To Incorporate More Into Your Diet

A great way to incorporate enough fruits into your diet is to add them to foods you may already be eating. Putting orange slices on top of your salad or putting chopped berries in your oatmeal is a great way to sneak them into your day.

The USDA also has some great tips for getting your children to eat more fruits and vegetables! Some ideas were to make a smiley face with sliced bananas for eyes, raisins for a nose, and an orange slice for a mouth. Or if your child doesn't like one of those fruits use some they do. You could instead use a berry for the nose or eyes. Offer raisins or other dried fruit instead of candy. Choose the fruit options when at fast food restaurants like the sliced apples instead of fries.

Check out these creative ways to make fruits and vegetables seem more appealing to your kids and family.

Grapefruit owl with banana eyes and clementine wings!
Found on Buzzfeed.com

Cauliflower sheep with an olive head and legs!
Found on Buzzfeed.com

Strawberry, Blackberry, and Banana Butterflies
This one I found HERE

Watermelon head with cucumber eyes and mouth, carrot nose and berry eyes
ABC&123 had other great ideas too!

Don't forget to check out the stir fry recipe HERE!  And as always feel free to leave comments and questions!

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